Scripty Spirit


Acid Graphic Elements Bursting Sparkle


Acid Graphic Elements Bursting Sparkle


My work blends my experience, education, and innate ability, with a deeply profound interest in the spiritual essence of sentient beings. I am sensitive to the spiritual plane and utilize transcendental meditation techniques to aid me in receiving visions, images, emotions, which often guide the art works creation to completion. The artists Archipenko, Klee, Kandinsky, Lalique, Miro, Sargent, Morris, Chagall, Mucha, Beardsley, Erté, Hokusai, Amano, Waterhouse, Parrish and others inspire me. The illuminated letters I create reflect the person I am creating them for, literally; they possess aspects of the individuals spiritual essence. The mediums I use are watercolor, and architectural inks, and 100% cotton paper either hot or cold pressed. Each piece is unique to the client or financer.

I also create pet memorials, whimsical animal works, and am currently working on a cat breed alphabet.

Spirit Letters

Hydrangea Flower A

Chinese Lantern Flower A

Lisianthus Flower C

Lotus Flower A

Title: Eternal

Blue Lotus Flower Spirit Figure

Letter D

Medium: Watercolor, Architectural inks, Calligraphic inks

Material: Arches Hot Pressed Watercolor Paper 100% cotton fiber


Spirit Figure, Fiery Soul Fire Aura, Medical Symbol, Blue Lotus Flower

Title: Chance

Purple Briar Rose Spirit Figure

Letter E

Medium: Watercolor, Architectural inks, Calligraphic inks

Material: Hot Pressed Watercolor Paper 100% cotton fiber


Purple Briar Rose Flower - Symbolizes enchantment and love at first sight; chance encounters, enchanted moments lifelong relationships.

Title: Bringer of dreams

Nightshade Flower Spirit Figure

Letter I

Medium: Watercolor, Architectural inks, Calligraphic inks

Material: Hot Pressed Watercolor Paper 100% cotton fiber


Purple Nightshade Flower - Attractive, Inviting, Psychoactive, Dangerous, Healthful. Highly poisonous, fortifying to animals and birds, potent and effective medicinal properties.

Title: Masters of their Universe

The works permanence pays homage to the illuminated manuscript lettering style infused with powerful symbolism, while the motion reflects the influences of the following artists.

Modern: Archipenko, and Klee

Art Nouveau: Beardsley, and Mucha

Art Deco: Erté and Icart

Letters J and D

Medium: Watercolor, Architectural and Calligraphic inks

Material: Arches Hot Pressed Watercolor Paper 100% cotton fiber


Griffin, Triangles, Hearts - Golden, Chinese Lanterns – Orange, Deep Red,

Spirit Figures – Yin and Yang, Tulips –Orange, White, Deep Red,

Butterflies – Orange, White, Deep Red.

Title: Clever Traveler

Clematis Flower Spirit Figure

Letter J

Medium: Watercolor, Architectural inks, Calligraphic inks

Material: Arches Hot Pressed Watercolor Paper 100% cotton fiber


The clematis flowers symbolize the beauty of ingenuity or the trait of artifice. The beauty of mental strength.

Title: Soulful Amalgamation

Gardenia Flower Animal Spirit Figures

Letters S and F

Medium: Watercolor, Architectural and Calligraphic inks

Material: Hot Pressed Watercolor Paper 100% cotton fiber


Heart, French Curve, Gardenia Flower, Spirit Animals - Boxer, Swann, Dove, Snake, Butterfly.

Spirit Letter Sketches

Chinese Lantern Flower

A Spirit sketch

Tulip Flowers

J & D Sketch

Paper Textured Frame

Cherry Blossom Flower

Spirit sketch H

Lisianthus & Lotus Flower

C & A Spirit sketch

Paper Textured Frame
Paper Textured Frame
Paper Textured Frame

Lisianthus Flower

Spirit sketch V

Orchid Flower

Spirit sketch P

Lisianthus Flower

Spirit sketch P

Orchid Flower

Spirit sketch P

Paper Textured Frame

Hydrengea Flower

Spirit sketch A

Hydrengea Flower

Spirit sketch A

Paper Textured Frame

Poppy Flower

Spirit sketch B

Paper Textured Frame

Orchid Flower

Spirit sketch C

Paper Textured Frame

Magnolia Flower

Spirit sketch C

Paper Textured Frame

Peony Flower

Spirit sketch D

Delphinium Flower

Spirit sketch F

Briar Rose Flower

Spirit sketch E

Delphinium Flower

Spirit sketch F

Paper Textured Frame

Cymbidrum Flower

Spirit sketch H

Paper Textured Frame
Paper Textured Frame

Weigela Flower Spirit sketch W

Sweet Pea Flower Spirit sketch V

Spirit Sketches & Abstractions

Paper Textured Frame



Paper Textured Frame



Paper Textured Frame


Paper Textured Frame

The Garden

The Sea


Brilliant Bird


Spirit Sketches & Whims

Paper Textured Frame
Paper Textured Frame


Paris Deco

Pure Spirit

Spirit Dance


Paper Textured Frame

Winter Wabbit

Pleasant Pheasant

Boxer Blue

Cats, Birds & Lanterns

Paper Textured Frame



Kenzo Lanterns

Hiro Lantern

Paper Textured Frame


Love Dreaming

Paper Textured Frame



Cat Breed Whimsy

Egyptian Meow (Mau) Silver & Gold

Four corner symbols spell MEOW; Right and left- Egyptian columns; Top, center, and bottom- Egyptian rose flower border; Center- Egyptian Mau cats hieroglyphic style spelling MEOW.

Egyptian Meow (Mau) Saffron

Four corner symbols spell MEOW; Right and left- Egyptian columns; Top and bottom border- Egyptian cotton flower; Center of border- Lotus flower; Center- Egyptian Mau cats hieroglyphic style spelling MEOW.

Japanese Bob (Bobtail)

Four corners- Japanese national flower - Sakurasou; Left- Gojunoto (Five-Storied Pagoda); Right- Japanese kanji for Bobtail; ​Top and bottom border- Japanese wave symbol; Center- Japanese bobtail cats spelling BOB; Center cat with ball and Mt Fuji in ​background.

Devon Rex

Four corners- Devonshire county flower Primrose; Center behind cats- Devon County flag; Left- Smeaton's Tower Lighthouse; ​Right- Devon beach scene; Top and bottom border- waves; Center of top and bottom boarder- fish, Center- Devon Rex cats ​spelling REX.

Russian Blue

Four corners- Russian national flower Chamomile; Left- St. Basils Cathedral; Right- Russian nesting doll with the word Russia in ​Russian; Top. and bottom border- St. Basils Cathedral flowers; Center top and bottom on border- Archangel, (The Russian Blue ​cat hails from Arkhangelsk Russia, and translates to Archangel); Center the Russian Blue cats spelling out the word Blue.

Scottish Fold

Four corners- Scottish national flower: Mackintosh Rose; Left- Scottish Castle Invenergy; Right- Homage: Mackintosh Stained ​Glass with word Scotland; Top. and bottom border- Scotland National Flower Thistle; Center top and bottom on border- ​Thistle flower; Center the Scottish Fold cats spelling out the word Fold.

American Bobtail

Four corners- American national flower- Rose; Left- Face of the Statue of Liberty; Right- Whimsically spelt name Bobtail; Top. ​and Bottom border- American National colors on bunting; Center - American Bobtail Cats spelling out the word BOB.

Turkish Van

Four corners- Turkish national flower - Tulip; Left- The Galata Tower; Right- Turkiye respectfully spelt; Top. and Bottom ​border- Stylized Turkish Tulip Flower; Center on boarder - Flag of Turkiye; Center : Cats spelling out the word VAN on ​style of old water-stained parchment.


Scripty Spirit

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